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I was over at my in-laws today, and I asked the question...where's Easter this year? At that moment, it had not been decided. But while I was there, it was decided that Easter, this year, would be at their house. (Super convenient for us because we live right next door.) So as we (my M-I-L, 3 of my S-I-L's, myself and my daughter) sat around the kitchen table discussing the menu, we decided we wanted it to be a more "traditional" Easter dinner.
And as we all started calling out items we wanted on the menu, and all the laughter we were sharing (we always have so much fun when we are together), it brought back fond memories of my Easters as a child. For as long as I can remember, Easter was always held at the same Aunt/Uncles house every year. We would go to Church and then drive to Shelbyville for Easter lunch and our Easter Egg Hunt! And every year, we were sure to have the same things. :) After all, that's what makes it a "tradition".
We are a southern family and our menu typically looked like this:

Easter Ham
Fried Chicken
Potato Salad
Pinto Beans
Green Beans
Mac & Cheese
Congealed Salad
Dressed Eggs
And Desserts...Pies & Cakes
And always an Easter Egg Hunt

So as the menu worked itself out, I smiled thinking this would be an Easter like I remember from my childhood. The Easter I want my children to remember when they are parents planning their Easter lunch.

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